How to Keep Up with Current Trends in Web Design and Graphic Design

In the ever-evolving worlds of web design and graphic design, staying relevant and informed about the latest trends is essential. Design trends not only keep your work fresh but also ensure that your creations resonate with contemporary audiences. I’ve been at this game a long time, so how do I stay on the cutting edge of creativity?

1. Follow Design Blogs and Websites

One of the easiest ways to stay updated is to follow design-focused blogs and websites. There are numerous platforms that curate design trends, showcase innovative projects, and offer tutorials. Here are a few to get you started:

  • Awwwards: Awwwards showcases outstanding website designs, and their blog provides insights into the latest trends. I love checking out their site of the day.
  • Godly: Godly collects astronomically good web design inspiration from around the internet.
  • CSS Design Awards: CSS Design Awards is a prominent global platform that celebrates and recognizes creativity and technical innovation in web design and development. Great for inspo!
  • Behance: Behance is a platform for creative professionals to showcase their work, making it a great place to discover cutting-edge design projects. One of these days I’ll get around to sharing some of my favorite projects there.
  • Smashing Magazine: Smashing Magazine offers web design and development articles, guides, and trends, keeping you well-informed.
  • CreativeBloq: This website covers a wide range of design topics, including web design, graphic design, and UX trends.

2. Attend Design Conferences and Workshops

Design conferences and workshops are excellent opportunities to learn from industry experts and network with fellow designers. These events often focus on emerging trends, tools, and techniques. Here are a few notable design conferences:

  • SXSW Conference: SXSW (South by Southwest) is an influential annual conference and festival in Austin, Texas, that converges technology, music, film, and interactive media, fostering creative innovation and collaboration.
  • Awwwards Conference: Awwwards hosts conferences in various cities, offering talks and workshops on web design trends and practices.
  • Adobe MAX: Adobe MAX is a premier creativity conference that covers graphic design, web design, and more.
  • Smashing Design Workshops: Smashing Magazine offers hands-on workshops where you can learn about the latest web design and development trends.

3. Engage in Online Communities

Joining design communities can provide you with valuable insights and allow you to exchange ideas with peers. Platforms like Reddit, Dribbble, and Design Twitter are great places to connect with other designers and stay updated on trends.

4. Take Online Courses and Tutorials

Online courses and tutorials are excellent for learning new skills and staying updated on design trends. Websites like Coursera, Udemy, and Lynda offer courses on web design, graphic design, and related topics. You can also find a ton of free tutorials on YouTube. Here are some channels I like:

5. Follow Leading Designers on Social Media

Many influential designers and design agencies have a strong presence on social media platforms. By following them, you can gain insights into their work and stay updated on current design trends. Platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn are ideal for this purpose. Here are some I follow:

Early on I learned from some of the best!

The newer stars in my design firmament:

6. Experiment and Practice

Design trends often emerge from experimentation and creative exploration. Don’t be afraid to try new techniques and styles in your own work. The more you practice and experiment, the more familiar you’ll become with emerging trends. And hey, if you ever get discouraged, check out the many epic design fails committed over the years; it’s a laugh!

7. Stay Updated with Design Software

Keep your design software up to date. Software developers continually release updates and new features that can help you create designs that align with the latest trends. If you haven’t been playing around with the beta versions of Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe InDesign, join in on the fun!

A Lifelong Journey of Creativity

Staying current in web design and graphic design is a journey, not a destination. The design world is continually evolving, and as a designer, your commitment to learning and adapting is what keeps your work fresh and impactful.

So, as you embark on your design journey, remember that staying informed about trends is not just about following the crowd but about using current trends as a source of inspiration to create designs that are both relevant and timeless.